Made to measure events

We will take care of your event so you can sit back and enjoy it

Outstanding parties and receptions of all kinds

We will help you organise a wedding reception, a family celebration, a company party, or an evening to mark whatever occasion.

All under one roof

Our outstanding facilities give you the option of arranging the restaurant, social rooms, and accommodation for your guests.

With great service

Our professional waiters will take care of the event itself.

Profi facilities

Tables, chairs, dishes, data projector, sound system, etc. We will take care of it all for you. Think of everything for you.

With careful preparation

Tell us exactly what you need and want when we meet in person. We will then put together an offer of comprehensive services and give you the prices, so you know exactly what is going on.

We can do it all at the one time. All you have to do is tell us.

If you need to save time and energy on anything else, simply leave the organisation of your event to us. We have years of experience of made to measure events.

+420 465 521 256 (reception)
+420 725 885 155 (reception)
+420 465 520 225 (restaurant)